As we approach the end of 2024, Netflix has unveiled a remarkable entry in the true crime genre with The Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Saga. This documentary stands out as one of the most astonishing narratives of the year, capturing the bizarre essence of Southern storytelling.
The documentary opens with an impactful quote from renowned author William Faulkner: “To understand the world, you must understand a place like Mississippi.” Adding depth to this sentiment, Mississippi state representative Steve Holland remarks on the complex history of the South, noting, “The Civil War created multiple scars all over us… Southerners learned to tell stories and share tragedies, and sometimes, they made up stuff.” Holland’s insights emphasize the region’s flair for drama and the intricacies of its history, which are fully realized throughout the gripping tale of The Kings of Tupelo.
A Tale Begins Aboard a Dr. Pepper
This exceptional narrative unfolds against the rich backdrop of Tupelo, Mississippi, the birthplace of rock legend Elvis Presley, where myths and realities often intersect. From the story’s outset, the audience is introduced to a cast of colorful local characters, including a cinema clerk eager to recount the legend of Elvis’s first kiss and the sheriff who has an unexpected connection to the King himself.
The unfolding drama is populated with unforgettable scenes: Elvis impersonators, simmering feuds, conspiracy theories about organ harvesting, and an assassination attempt on then-President Barack Obama. Surprisingly, it all spirals out from a seemingly ordinary request for a Dr. Pepper.
At the heart of this convoluted tale is Paul Kevin Curtis, a man intertwined with the very essence of Tupelo, who humorously claims to have been raised on “Jesus, Elvis, and cornbread— in that order.”

Jack Curtis, an Elvis impersonator
Alongside his brother Jack Curtis, Kevin created the first-ever Elvis double act, attracting attention and culminating in wedding bells with fellow singer Laura Curtis. Yet after starting a family, their act couldn’t sustain the lifestyle they desired, pushing Kevin to launch an Elvis-themed cleaning business. This seemed to mark the onset of their version of the American dream—until it dramatically unraveled.
The tipping point came when Kevin secured a contract with the North Mississippi Medical Center, a significant achievement likened to the ‘Elvis of rural hospitals.’ During a festive Christmas party in December 1999, Kevin was approached with an unusual request: the autopsy table had a drainage issue.
Clad in a hazmat suit, he ventured into the hospital’s morgue, seeking a quick refreshment. Here’s where the story takes a bizarre twist: in his quest for a soda, Kevin stumbled upon what he convincingly claimed were various body parts, including the head of a recently hospitalized man.

Kevin and Laura Curtis start a family together
While most would assume these remains were from organ donors—an assertion the hospital confirmed—Kevin opted to turn his discovery into a front-page scandal, inviting locals to examine his morbid find. His ill-fated decision came with immediate repercussions, resulting in his dismissal from the hospital.
Yet this event was merely the starting point of Kevin’s downfall, igniting a series of suspicions and conspiracy theories that gradually distanced him from his family and friends. The real antagonist emerges in this saga: James Everett Dutschke, a character that Holland doesn’t hold back from criticizing.
Meet Netflix’s Most Intriguing True Crime Narrators

Kevin Curtis, a captivating storyteller
The narrative is made even more compelling by its narrators, particularly Kevin Curtis. His charm makes it feel as if you’re conversing with him over drinks at a dive bar, listening to his unbelievable but true story. Following the captivating introduction, we’re drawn into Kevin’s perspective, where he resides at his makeshift “Shangri-La”behind the walls of his house, ever aware of the ongoing public scrutiny encapsulating his past.
Although Kevin has a skewed viewpoint on events, it is his vibrant personality that keeps the audience engaged. Blending his recollections with those of his brother and ex-wife, the documentary paints a multifaceted picture of the unfolding chaos. Jack and Laura serve as grounding voices, ensuring that even amidst the wild narrative, the storytelling retains its Southern charm.
This is merely the opening chapter of a convoluted saga filled with startling revelations and new personalities, escalating into a fierce conflict leading to a convoluted government plot and a 25-year prison sentence.
If you’ve ever indulged in true crime stories, this is one that defies expectation, showcasing a bewildering sequence of events. The Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Saga is now available for streaming on Netflix, beginning December 11.
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