The police ordered Lee Sun Kyun and GD not to leave the country on suspicion of drug abuse! They will be tested for drugs in the near future

(Cover image source: TVDaily)

Lee Sun-kyun and G-dragon (Kwon Ji-yong), who were suspected of taking drugs, were ordered not to travel abroad today (27th).

The Narcotics Crime Investigation Team of the Incheon Police Department stated that two people, including Lee and Kwon, who were booked without detention for allegedly violating laws related to drug control, confirmed that they are currently staying in the country and took measures to ban them from leaving the country through the Ministry of Justice. It is reported that the police plan to conduct reagent tests on them soon to confirm whether they are taking drugs, their type and frequency, etc.

Lee Sun-gyun is suspected of smoking more than three types of drugs including marijuana several times at the residence of Director A of the sensual place office from the beginning of this year to recently. The police confiscated the mobile phone after arresting Mr. A. A relevant source revealed: “Today, digital evidence collection work (on the confiscated mobile phone) has been commissioned.”

(Source: TVDaily)

G-dragon was suspected of illegally injecting psychotropic substances, but in the morning he issued a position statement through his lawyer, saying: I have not used drugs, and it has nothing to do with the recent media reports on “violation of drug control laws.”However, I know that many people are worried, so I will actively and honestly cooperate with the investigation of the search agency. ” Strongly denied the suspicion of drug abuse.

(Source: TVDaily)

In addition, the doctor and the employee of the sensual place have also been charged with supplying and taking drugs respectively. Five people including the third generation of the chaebol family, the composer, and the volunteer singer are under internal investigation.

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