The reason why Long Junheng chose Taiwan as the first overseas stop of his Asian tour is warm! “The words of support from Taiwanese fans always fill me with energy”

(Cover image source: KSD)

After a long blank period, the creative all-rounder “Dragon PD”Long Junheng finally came to Taiwan to meet fans again. He also dressed up carefully and practiced guitar more diligently. In order to let fans see his new skills, he also prepared Chinese Come and interact with Taiwanese fans.

(Source: KSD)

Long Junheng first met with the media earlier. He was wearing a pair of purple jeans, a sleeveless knit white and mixed color vest, and a furry hat on stage. The super cute outfit is the same as the cool dragon PD in everyone’s previous impression. totally different. Yong Junhyung said that because he seldom appears wearing a hat on stage, so today he wanted to look cool and picked a cute furry hat. However, hats belong to winter, while clothes belong to summer, so there is a mix-and-match effect deliberately.

(Source: KSD)

Yong Junhyung, who has debuted for 15 years, also mentioned his current growth. In the past, when he stood on the stage, he was always very strict with himself and did not allow mistakes to happen, but now he has learned how to express his true self and finally his own thoughts. And this point is also practiced in his creative concept. In the past, he may create according to the needs of the market, but now Long PD hopes to show his unique style in his creation.

(Source: KSD)

In order to let himself break through the language barrier and let more people from different countries understand the message he wants to convey from his songs, Long Junheng also tried to write in different languages. The new work “Love Song”released this time is a full song. English songs, although it is difficult for him to record songs in non-native languages, but in order to communicate with more overseas audiences, he will continue to work hard to create in other languages.

(Source: KSD)

Long Junheng has just come into contact with the guitar as an instrument recently, and he is practicing hard every day. He once performed for fans in the performance in Seoul. Although I practice the guitar very hard, but my strength is not enough to show off my skills, I will continue to work hard to improve in the future, please look forward to it.

(Source: KSD)

Long Junheng is also famous as a favorite fan. He often pays attention to the limited-time dynamic updates of many fans on SNS, etc. He also said that overseas fans often leave messages to him, conveying many words such as “No matter how long it takes, we will always be here. This kind of words made him always feel that he gained a lot of energy and was very moved. The Taiwanese fans were very impressive in this part, so he chose Taiwan as the first stop for overseas performances.

(Source: KSD)

Although Long Junheng was almost overwhelmed by Taiwanese delicacies such as steamed buns, various Hong Kong dishes, beef noodles, etc. after getting off the plane, he still looked forward to the celebration dinner after the performance. The itinerary is quite tight this time, and Long Junheng also hopes to travel to Taiwan to the fullest next time.

(Source: KSD)

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