The Surprising Diet of Asmongold That Shocked Game of Thrones’ The Mountain

Hafthor Julius Björnsson, who is known for his role in Game of Thrones and his strength as a professional strongman, was surprised by Asmongold’s atypical diet consisting mainly of fast food and soda.

In 2013, Hafthor was chosen to play the role of Ser Gregor ‘The Mountain’ Clegane in Season 4 of Game of Thrones. He continued to portray the character until the show ended in Season 8.

Despite The Mountain being his first major acting role, it’s not surprising that Hafthor was chosen for the role due to his massive size and renowned status as one of the top strength athletes. To maintain this, Hafthor adheres to a rigorous training diet consisting of 10,000 calories per day.

Despite being a professional strongman, the Twitch stream where content creator Asmongold’s unusual diet was being discussed left him surprised.

Hafthor mentioned stumbling upon Asmongold, Emiru, and Tectone’s amusing podcast, Steak and Eggs, and discovering a video on Emiru’s YouTube channel where Asmongold bravely tasted new foods for the first time.

Hafthor was shocked as he recounted how the man exclusively consumed fast food and soda. However, he was then informed that he had not witnessed anything yet and that Asmongold had a unique approach to his diet.

Hafthor proposed the idea of swapping diets with Asmongold, jokingly suggesting it would be amusing if he traveled to Texas, where Asmongold resides.

Hafthor stated, “We would switch diets, he would eat mine and I would eat his.”However, his friend warned that this would cause the strongman to lose “his gains in one day,”a sentiment that Hafthor concurred with.

He then went on to say, “But can you envision a video of [Asmongold] trying out my diet?”

Ultimately, Hafthor concluded that if Asmongold were to attempt to eat the same food as Game of Thrones’ Mountain on a daily basis, he would likely “die”due to the drastic change in diet.

Despite the changes in diet, the viewers were still supportive and even suggested that the Steak and Egg Podcast should invite Hafthor for an episode, as one person wrote in the Chat.

Another individual also shared Hafthor’s surprise at the streamer’s diet, stating that Asmongold’s “blood is essentially 50% Dr Pepper.”

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