This idea to improve Pokémon Go incense is incredible

This idea to improve Pokémon Go incense is incredible

While Pokémon Go never stops, the winter months can make playing the game difficult for rural players, so a Pokémon Go fan suggests a great change to Incense that would improve remote areas.

Pokémon Go wants most players to come out. Fans understand this, it’s the point of the game, and a large portion of the game’s install base enjoys a long walk to catch Pokémon, with the added bonus of a little exercise.

We do not criticize. However, sometimes the weather outside is scary. Especially for players in more remote and rural areas, where temperatures can drop to dangerous levels. No shiny Pokémon is worth frostbite.

So, some Pokémon Go players are sharing their ideas for changes to Incense, in the hope that rural players can still participate in the game, even when the temperature drops to dangerous levels.

Pokémon Go players imagine “Winter Incense” to help distant players

Pokémon Go player Ponyboy06 shared a post on Reddit, detailing his idea for a “Winter Incense” that would offer some comfort to far-flung players who have trouble getting outside.

Winter incense would be nice byu/Ponyboy06 inTheSilphRoad

The Pokémon Go player comments, saying: “Does anyone else think there should be an increase in Pokémon spawns from sitting still during the winter months?”

Then they go on to say, “I understand that not everywhere is cold, but it really puts a damper on Galarian bird hunting when it’s -30. Like we’re being punished for living in the northern areas lol.”

The topic of game changes for rural players is highly debated, especially after Niantic changed the limits and prices of remote raid passes, so several fans agree that helping in the farthest corners of the globe would be very useful. Even in hot places, where it is still dangerous to go out.

One comment adds to the idea, saying: “What if during severe weather alerts, your Daily Adventure Incense works while stationary. This would cover hot and cold extremes, as well as rain, etc., and would probably be super easy to implement.”

Another comment supports this, adding: “By this logic, Texas needs summer incense for four or five months of the year when death from heat stroke is a real possibility. Which means, Incense should just be upgraded anyway.”

A few people make sure to mention that Niantic isn’t to blame here, with one player commenting: “There will always be an ‘extreme’ weather condition somewhere. It’s a global game. Niantic sucks but it’s hard to blame them for that.”

Meanwhile, another comment supports them, adding: “This is a game designed for playing outside. They don’t have to figure out how to make it playable for people at home.”

It’s clear that many of the changes made in the COVID era are still being missed in the community, but it’s unlikely anything will change soon.

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