This “stupid” challenge is completely infuriating Pokémon Go players

Community players Pokémon Go were furious with the new Sparkling Dream Hatching Challenge introduced during the type event Fairy, because trainers say the rewards aren’t worth it.

Pokémon Go launched its Sparkling Dream event on January 13, as trainers rushed to complete the various missions and obtain the rewards.

The “Sparkling” event focuses on Fairy-type Pokémon, and features the first shiny appearance of Plumeline. It includes all the typical features of an event, such as bonuses, an avatar item, increased spawn rates for Fairy Pokémon in the wild, and a multitude of missions Field Study & Collection Challenges

However, players quickly became outraged by the Sparkling Dream Hatching Challenge due to various recurring issues found in similar challenges, as well as the peculiar tasks given given the time of year.

Pokémon Go Players Avoid Sparkling Dream Hatching Challenge

Pokémon Go player Ok Needleworker1761 shared a screenshot of the Shimmering Dream Hatching Challenge in-game, and criticized it for being a “stupid” challenge.*

Stupid challenge byu/Ok_Needleworker1761 inpokemongo

“I really hate these types of challenges. First of all, you are required to purchase egg incubators. Plus, they only hatch 7km eggs.”

Although they “fortunately” say they have a job that requires “a lot of walking,” regarding hatching the 7km eggs, they said the problem is that one can “only get these eggs from friends.”They further explained that even with a large number of friends, not everyone gives gifts and if they do, it is not always eggs.

They concluded by saying: “But what annoys me the most is the random Pokémon. I have a bunch of Togepi hatching from eggs. Just one Fluvetin and none of the other two. Couldn’t they make it so that you collect the ones you need first and then make a random generator out of them.”

One player revealed: “I just found out these eggs are in 7K, I’m screwed,” while another trainer replied: “Ignore him, the rewards aren’t worth the walk.”

Many pointed out that the timing of the event made the situation even more problematic: “I would normally disagree but… it’s literally freezing outside here, and I have a friend in Australia who is complaining about the heat. It would be best during spring/fall so people in both hemispheres have a chance to walk more.”

Pokémon Go players have instead turned to hatching eggs by simply walking around their homes and completely avoiding the Sparkling Dream Hatching Challenge.

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