This weird Palworld bug makes a Vixy bigger and bigger

A Palworld player has discovered a bug that causes his Vixy to grow to abnormal sizes every time he returns home.

Palworld offers a wide variety of Pals to discover, including the Lucky Pals, which are more powerful and larger in size.

For the most part, these “Shiny Pals” are the largest that can be found in the game outside of the boss fights that players can face.

However, one player has come across a bug that causes one of their Pals to grow to absolutely ridiculous sizes.

A Palworld player can’t stop their Vixy from growing

Player kaityl3 recently shared his story on the Palworld subreddit, where he explains: “Every time I return to my base, my lucky Vixy gets bigger.”

The post shows an image of the user’s Vixy reaching the tops of the surrounding trees, far taller than any Pal should be.

Every time I return to my base, my lucky Vixy gets bigger byu/kaityl3 inPalworld

The community was immediately fascinated by this apparent bug, with many asking for updates on the size of the Vixy.

And these updates have been given, as kaityl3 shared another image of the Vixy seen from afar while it is in flight.

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Many are wondering how this bug occurred and if the Vixy was the only one affected, to which the player replied: “It seems to just affect the first lucky Vixy I put in the base. If I take it out of the base and then put it back in, it will be normal size temporarily, but will grow again.”

Despite the shock caused by this bug and its unknown origin, the player at least seems to appreciate it for its harmless nature.

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