Top Locations to Find Scrap Metals in City 20

Scrap Metal is a scarce resource in City 20. Given the dystopian setting, this scarcity is understandable as everyone is scavenging for resources to survive. Acquiring Scrap Metal is essential for crafting a variety of useful tools, so you need to gather these quickly to advance in the game. Here’s how to locate Scrap Metals in City 20.

How to Find Scrap Metals in City 20

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Scrap Metal can be challenging to find unless you know the specific spawn points. Most Scrap Metals in the game world can be found in warehouses, typically located atop objectives like boxes, barrels, construction tools, or even on conveyor belts.

Occasionally, you might discover some Scrap Metal in junkyards. However, the most efficient method to collect them is by wielding a hammer to destroy metallic objects. Doing so usually yields a few Scrap Metals, provided you are dismantling items that contain metal. For instance, there’s a bicycle located near your base; using your hammer on it will drop some valuable Scrap Metals, and you might even obtain additional items.

Be cautious of other NPCs nearby. If you destroy an item that they own, they may become hostile and attack you.

What Are Scrap Metals Utilized For in City 20?

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Scrap Metals primarily serve as crafting materials for mechanical items and tools in the game. You must collect specific items to unlock additional blueprints, requiring further exploration. Scrap Metals indirectly unlock certain crafting recipes, enabling you to create basic tools like the Makeshift Hatchet, which is useful for chopping down trees for more resources.

The downside of these Makeshift Hatchets is their low durability. When you begin chopping trees, you’ll notice the durability meter diminishes rapidly with each swing. It’s essential to manage your wood-cutting activities or gather more Chicories, Scrap Metals, and Wood Branches to craft additional Makeshift Hatchets.


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