TWICE Jihyo Passes ‘Mother’ Title to Another Co-Member for Her Contributions

According to Jihyo, this particular TWICE member has recently taken on a “motherly”role, a departure from her previously reserved persona.

Teen Vogue released its interview and pictorial with TWICE, known as the “Nation’s Girl Group”, on May 21. During the shoot, the nine members each displayed their unique charms.

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During the individual pictorial, the publication made sure to have a conversation with each member. During this time, Jihyo displayed her strong and hands-on leadership skills as she discussed her fellow members.

Jihyo’s comment on Momo was specifically praised by ONCEs, as she revealed that the main dancer had recently become a “mother.”

In this context, the term “mother”is used to describe someone who is seen as “untouchable,””boss,””powerful,”or “influential,”particularly within the LGBTQ+ community and among women.

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During a previous solo interview with the same media, Jihyo discovered a new term that has become closely linked to her. Initially, she found it amusing that fans associated her with this particular image.

It appears that she has embraced this title effortlessly, and has even publicly recognized her co-member Momo as a co-mother.

Despite typically being a shy person, Jihyo alluded to Momo’s evolution into a strong and confident “lady boss”who has tackled numerous challenges over time.

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Jihyo, speaking to Teen Vogue, praised her fellow member for their ability to exude style, create music, grace the covers of multiple Japanese publications, and represent fashion and beauty companies as an ambassador.

Ever since she was recognized as one of the top main dancers in K-pop, Momo has received continuous praise for her exceptional dancing abilities. However, with her recent personal development, she has become more fearless in tackling new obstacles and confidently exudes a strong “motherly”energy.

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During the group photoshoot, Jihyo continued to showcase her caring leadership as she expressed her gratitude for debuting together with the other nine members.

“We’re really thankful [that we have] nine members. For one person, one member can be their favorite and they might not like the rest, but because we push our team of nine together, the team vibes are really good. We’re really thankful because of that. And because of that, we actually get a lot closer.”

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