Updated: September 4, 2024
We added new codes!
If you, like myself, are a fan of the cult anime classic Bleach and action-based PVP ARPGS on Roblox, then you will thoroughly enjoy Type://Soul! Whether you wish to join the ranks of the Soul Society, The Quincy, or even become a Hollow, Type Soul offers a roleplaying experience that allows you to hone your skills and engage in adrenaline-fueled battles. And what better way to gain an advantage than by utilizing a few Type soul codes?
You can redeem Type Soul codes for Blue Pills and Soul Tickets, which serve as rewards. By using a Blue Pill, you can reset your stats and begin your build anew. On the other hand, redeeming a Soul Ticket will erase all of your current progress in the game, so it is important to use these codes with caution. If you enjoy Roblox ARPGs, be sure to also explore Blox Fruits Codes.
All Type Soul Codes List
Working Type Soul Codes (Active)
- newrankedrewards—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (New)
- wednesdaypatchesmoreplz—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (New)
- whoops—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- lockinseason—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- redeem72024—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamataisentwo—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamasuigetsu—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- pointsplease—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- lateupdatesareannoying—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- stefan10kfollowers—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- rankedplswork—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorrybugs—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- imsorry—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- yippeweekly—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- visionaryrework—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 1kcristi—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- teleportswentdown—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- anextracode—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- mediarip://souls—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- leafystray—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- weloveeduardo—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamaforyoutamaforall—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- mre10kfollowers—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- meditation—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- vultures—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- itstypesoulfriday—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- helpeduardosmentalsanity—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorryfortheshutdowns—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- wereached400mvisits—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- apologycode—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoesorry—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- angrycanadian—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoenuovaentvari—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- joshnosreppcristi—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- eduardocarrying—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- explodeincident—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- higuys—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cctokenfix—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamastrikesagain—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- oops—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- myrobloxneedstostopcrashing—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- mreessay—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers)
- qkidoexpansion—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- oopscybers—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamacodesareback—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 350mvisitsalright—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 200klikeswoah—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- idontdotheseoften—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- bararaqgbincident—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (New)
- reallycooloriginalcodename—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (New)
- newbosseswow—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- youdidntexpectheretobeasecondonedidyou—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- doomaroomeneverexisted—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- blazblueincident—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorryhopethishelps—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- whereiskendoweapondude—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- latenightbruh—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- latenightfightnight—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cristiqol—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 300mvisits—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- whatdoesheevendo—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- tama62121—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- nuovarandomcode—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (New)
- entvari10k—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- windwake—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamarandomcode—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- timetravellermistake—Redeem for Purple Elixir and Powered Black Elixir
- cristi10k—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thisisnotsigma—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ermwhatthetypesoul—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- yurrrrlistenman—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- causethatstheupdateineed—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thereisnosuchthing—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll(KT servers)
- tweakinpostupdate—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll(KT servers)
- hellopiety—Redeem for 100 Weapon rerolls (Minimum level required)
- putthesefoolishambitionstorest—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- imnotnamingitthat—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- hqrsepowered—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 2weekdelaywoah—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 500kdiscmemberswoo—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- arrogantecristi5k—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- threatneutralized—Redeem for Rewards (only works on new servers)
Expired Type Soul Codes
- readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 7staredwardnewgate—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- allaccordingtocake—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- petgod101—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- skibidisigmastofighttheohiorizzler—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (KT servers)
- code1—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- jayomalawfirm—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cursedgearruinsfriendships—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- senkuwascloudkageinjoedame—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- hakudanerfafter1000years—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- theresahiddennpcsomewhere—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cyberpoint—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- brovisitedhisfriends—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- setroboominda—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- davehashit10kwow—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamaverified—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- Benihimebuff—Redeem for Rewards
- nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld—Redeem for Rewards
- almightyeye—Redeem for Rewards
- breathlesspumpkle—Redeem for Rewards
- tsugokusenku—Redeem for Rewards
- thekiraeventparttwo—Redeem for Rewards
- thekiraevent—Redeem for Rewards
- 5minutesoffame—Redeem for Rewards
- nothinghappened—Redeem for Rewards
- newfaceswow—Redeem for Rewards
- 400kdiscmembers—Redeem for Rewards
- 160mvisits—Redeem for Rewards
- somethingrandom—Redeem for Rewards
- canyouwrap—Redeem for Rewards
- mobileflashpd—Redeem for Rewards
- johnboomingg—Redeem for Rewards
- icanimaginesomeonesayingimnexttoatree—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- phase1—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- canyourecmeintodemonhunter—Redeem for 100 Rerolls
- myhopewillneverdie—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- johnbooming—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- gulliblelol—Redeem for 100 Rerolls
- robloxban—Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- lightsegunda—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 100mlikes—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- afkworld—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- robotcowoe—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- soulianstreak—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- pleasegivemererollscodesimliterallystarvingoverhereimstuckwithacid—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- kamehamehax3—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ididntgetopenedupiliterallyjustgottiredofblocking—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- khaoticyachty—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- luisvonmarco—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- balancedbalance—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- supasta—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuovaprimadon—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- johnbooming—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoe10k—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorryfortheinconvenienceee—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- eduardobrg10k—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- khaotic10k—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- drakos10k—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuova10k—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- devilgene—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- badquincy—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sundayupdate—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- awesomesauce—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorry4ranked3—Redeem for Locked Shikai Reroll (KT servers)
- woahreal—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- quickshutdown—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- rankedmidseason—Redeem for Locked Shikai Reroll
- delayedwhoops—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- bloodedged—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ohwowcool—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuovalovesquincy—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- spiritgun—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- happyeaster—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamaiscool—Redeem for 5 Locked Element Reroll, 5 Locked Clan Rerolls and 5 Locked Weapon Rerolls
- doomatearoom—Redeem for 5 Locked Element Reroll, 5 Locked Clan Rerolls and 5 Locked Weapon Rerolls
- newcodeoldbugged—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- mainmenufixes—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tradehub—Redeem for Locked Element Reroll and Locked Weapon Reroll
- soonupdates—Redeem for Locked Weapon Reroll
- championship—Redeem for Locked Element Reroll
- sorryfordelays—Redeem for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- watermelon—Redeem for Rerolls
- sorryforthat—Redeem for Rerolls
- midtermsover—Redeem for an Element Reroll and a Clan Weapon Reroll
- contentcoming—Redeem for a Clan Reroll
- haveagoodday—Redeem for Rerolls
- slowpace—Redeem for 3 Element Rerolls
- thehonoredone—Redeem for 3 Weapon Rerolls
- triplethreat—Redeem for 3 Element Rerolls
- apologyforlate—Redeem for 3 Weapon Rerolls
- middayfixes—Redeem for1 Locked Element Reroll and 1 Locked Weapon Reroll
- 100kfavourites—Redeem for Rerolls
- segundanextupdate—Redeem for 2 Locked Weapon Reroll and 2 Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll
- fixedoldcode—Redeem for 3 Locked Clan Rerolls and 2 Locked Shikai / Res / Volt Rerolls
- eumorningupdate—Redeem for 3 Locked Clan Rerolls
- latenightupdate—Redeem for 3 Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Rerolls, and Locked Weapon Reroll
- updatecomingsoon—Redeem for 2 Weapon Rerolls
- 3shikaireroll—Redeem for a Shikai Reroll
- 80klikes—Redeem for a Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll
- newgame—Redeem for Locked Soul Ticket
- shutdownsrry—Redeem for 1 Elemental Reroll
- 55klikes—Redeem for Blue Pill
- tyforfollows—Redeem for a Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll
- 35klikes—Redeem for a Blue Pill
- 20klikes—Redeem for a Locked Weapon Reroll
- 10klikes—Redeem for a Blue Pill
- sorryforshutdown—Redeem for a Soul Ticket
- 100kfavourites
How to Redeem Codes in Type Soul
To follow the steps to redeem codes in Type://Soul, refer to the instructions provided below.

- Open Type Soul in Roblox on your device.
- Click on the Gift Icon on the top left-hand side of the screen.
- Enter the code from our list.
- Press the enter key or the return key to redeem your reward.
How to Obtain Additional Codes
For additional Type Soul codes, be sure to favorite the game and become a member of the Type:// Roblox Group. You can also stay updated by following the developer @Saeyoori on Twitter, but the best way to receive up-to-date game information is by joining the Type://Soul Discord Server, where you can find dedicated channels for game announcements and fan voice chat. Additionally, visit the Encountering problems while entering a Type Soul code that you have found above? Our suggestion is to try directly copying and pasting it from this page instead. This will help to avoid any typos that could potentially render the code invalid. Additionally, make sure to pay attention to capitalization as even a small mistake can result in an invalid code. If the issue persists or if the code is expired, it means that it has already been used. Please let us know in the comments and we will update our guide accordingly. We will also continue to search for new codes, so remember to check back regularly for updates!
How to choose your path in Type Soul
Starting off in Type Soul can be overwhelming since the game lacks clear instructions. Your first task is to choose a path to follow. In order to do so, you must first die (which is actually quite simple!). This will turn you into a Lost Soul, and from there you will have three options. If you wish to become a Soul Reaper, you will need to find a player or Kisuke NPC who is already one and ask them to invite you. To become a Hollow, all you need to do is press CTRL and K, while to become a Quincy, you must head towards one of the Black Holes located on the outskirts of the world and wait there for 10
About Roblox Type Soul
Type Soul is a battle experience on Rolbox inspired by anime, featuring all the elements you would anticipate, such as missions, progression, and abilities, as well as both PVP and PVE battles. Pick from three races – Soul Reaper, Hollow, and Quincy – and become a member of a faction, engaging in combat and exploration to enhance your skills and acquire unique gear and weapons specific to your chosen faction.
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