Ultimate Deadlock Shiv Build Guide: Skills & Equipment

Deadlock’s Shiv is recognized as one of the most proficient assassins in the game. Mastering him requires finesse and practice, but neutralizing a fed Shiv can be incredibly challenging. This guide covers essential strategies for excelling in Deadlock using Shiv.

Shiv is a relatively recent character in Deadlock, introduced just before Valve acknowledged the game. Since his launch, he has undergone numerous nerfs after initially being overwhelmingly powerful. That initial version of Shiv was available for less than a day before adjustments were made.

Despite these nerfs, Shiv remains a formidable assassin with tremendous burst potential and survivability. Taking down a fed Shiv demands skill and strategic play.

Below is an overview of Shiv’s optimal build in Deadlock, focusing on his best abilities to max out, essential items to purchase, and tips to fully leverage his skillset.

Best Abilities to Use on Shiv

A viable build includes a full investment in Serrated Knives for long-range damage. However, a more reliable ability maxing path is to prioritize early points in Slice and Dice. Here’s Shiv’s starting and max ability path:


Start with a straightforward ability maxing approach, adding an extra point in Serrated Knives for the bonus charge and then allocating 2 points to Slice and Dice for 100 extra damage. You can adjust this based on personal preference, but securing that dash damage is essential for later burst potential.

Be mindful to save your Bloodletting for critical moments when you take heavy damage, and don’t hesitate to activate Killing Blow to pursue enemies if you can secure a kill with your burst damage. It’s often better to save Slice and Dice for the 200 base damage from your ultimate rather than using it to close the gap.

Additionally, remember that Shiv’s Rage passive on his ultimate stacks significantly faster from attacking enemy heroes than creeps. Throw knives at opponents to quickly build up the Rage meter and maximize your damage output.

Shiv Movement Techniques

Shiv’s movement abilities, particularly involving the knockback from his right-click attack, warrant their own discussion.

His right-click fires 2 bullets simultaneously for a powerful shotgun blast. If you’ve faced a Shiv and wondered about his explosive damage, this is the reason. Up close, rely on your right-click over normal shots, interspersing abilities between shots. You can also right-click with just one round left in a magazine, so always right-click before reloading.

Moreover, you can use your right-click to maneuver around the map in reverse with unlimited ammo—a technique known as Shotgun Sliding. Executing a quick backward jump dash while holding right-click can improve your mobility significantly. Experiment in practice mode with attack speed increases to get accustomed to this technique.

Additionally, Bunny Hop allows you to stay airborne by shooting downward, though it doesn’t provide unlimited ammo like sliding does.

There’s a wealth of movement tech associated with the knockback from Shiv’s right-click, crucial for distinguishing skilled Shiv players from the average ones.

Deadlock Shiv Abilities Explained

For those unfamiliar with Shiv or seeking detailed insight into his kit, here’s a comprehensive overview of his abilities:

  • 1: Serrated Knives
    • Throw a knife that damages and slows an enemy. Each additional hit adds a stack that refreshes the debuff duration, increasing the damage per stack.
    • When rage is full, knives ricochet to another enemy, applying a 35% slow to enemies who bleed.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: +2 second debuff duration
      • Level 3: +40 damage and +5 bleed DPS
  • 2: Slice and Dice
    • Dash forward, damaging enemies along your path.
    • With full rage, an echo of Shiv retraces the dash path after a brief delay, dealing damage again.
      • Level 1: -4 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +100 damage
      • Level 3: Reduce cooldown by 2 seconds per enemy hit, max of 6 seconds per dash
  • 3: Bloodletting
    • Take a portion of incoming damage immediately, deferring 35% to be taken over time. Activate to clear some of the deferred damage.
    • With full rage, the amount of deferred damage increases by 15%.
      • Level 1: +5 second deferred damage duration
      • Level 2: -5 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +25% deferred damage cleared
  • 4: Killing Blow
    • Leap toward an enemy hero, instantly killing them if their health is below the kill threshold (20% HP). Otherwise, deal 200 damage.
    • Passive: Damaging enemies fills you with rage. When at full rage, Shiv gains 25% increased damage and unique properties on his other abilities.
      • Level 1: +2 meters per second movement speed while at full rage
      • Level 2: +8% health execute threshold
      • Level 3: Finishing an enemy with Killing Blow resets its cooldown

Best Build on Shiv: Deadlock Items Explained

This section categorizes items into four segments: early game, mid game, late game/luxury, and situational items.

Early game items mainly consist of 500 soul items you should obtain in the opening minutes. Mid and late game items can vary based on your situation. Having lots of early souls can allow for ambitious purchases, but be mindful that some items are more efficient than others. Sometimes, purchasing several smaller items over one expensive item may be more effective.

There’s no one-size-fits-all build for every match. You’ll need to become familiar with each item’s functions and learn when to buy them to thrive in competitive play. However, this provides a solid foundation.

Early Game Items


Close Quarters and Headshot Booster are essential for early-game damage. Since Shiv will be in close range, Headshot Booster applies the 45 bonus damage even with a single pellet landing on the head, resulting in unexpected burst damage. High-Velocity Mags offer shield and bonus damage, especially valuable if you plan to build Headhunter later.

Melee Lifesteal is a matter of choice, but given Shiv’s close-quarters playstyle, it’s hard to pass up. It works on minions, albeit less effectively. If lane struggles arise, consider using Healing Rite. For early rotations, Sprint Boots are ideal, although Extra Stamina is a good alternative in tough situations.

Extra Charge is a must-have for additional knives, and Mystic Vulnerability provides significant value for your bleed effects. Spirit Strike can also be beneficial, enhancing your damage output with prot shred opportunities.

Mid Game Items


Swift Striker gives a substantial attack speed boost needed to execute Shiv’s movement strategies, making it a worthwhile early purchase. Opt for Melee Charge if you find yourself frequently engaging in melee combat, or choose Quicksilver Reload based on your preferred playstyle. Avoid buying both. Soul Shredder Bullets offer sustain and pin, while Point Blank provides bullet slow for chasing targets. If flex slots are limited, consider selling Headshot Booster.

Your vitality items should differ based on your game status. If ahead, aim for Healbane, Enduring Speed, Lifestrike, and Superior Stamina. If behind, select Spirit Lifesteal, Bullet Armor, and Spirit Armor to boost your durability. Healbane is also advisable for anti-heal capabilities.

Suppressor makes Shiv particularly difficult to contest, making it a strong option to prioritize. Bullet Resist Shredder can be chosen against tanky heroes, and Duration Extender enhances your bleeding effect duration.

Late Game/Luxury


Crippling Headshot is a crucial buy for Shiv (and any shotgun character) to enhance penetration and add extra damage. The same rationale applies as with Headshot Booster. Spiritual Overflow grants substantial spirit damage after landing several hits with your primary weapon, while Pristine Emblem excels at dishing out damage when targets are healthy and inflicting bleed when they’re weakened.

At this level, consider upgrading to Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor if they fit your needs. Purchase Leech for situations where you’re struggling against anti-heal mechanics.

Escalating Exposure makes Serrated Knives lethally effective against most enemies if you can land three or four knives followed by their bleed effect, while Mystic Slow prevents foes from escaping. These spirit items are must-haves, alongside Rapid Recharge for more knives and Superior Duration to extend your bleed duration.

Situational Items


These situational items have specific uses which we’ll discuss individually:

  • Headhunter: An upgrade from High-Velocity Mags, this item is a must if you’re seeking extra sustain and damage. However, only choose it if you’re ahead and looking to accelerate your advantage.
  • Warp Stone: Always a reliable choice for enhancing mobility, but take it only if truly necessary since Shiv already possesses good mobility.
  • Silencer: Effective against casters or characters relying on abilities for distance. It’s a situational pickup but can enhance trading against specific heroes.
  • Vampiric Burst: Excellent for gaining sustain while dominating in team fights. This effective item shines in 1v6 scenarios.
  • Phantom Strike: Ideal for reaching elusive backline carries. It adds considerable stealth capability, although its high cost necessitates synergy with other damage items for effectiveness.
  • Unstoppable/Debuff Remover: Use these together, as often only one will be beneficial. Choose Debuff Remover for avoiding single-instance crowd control effects, or Unstoppable for countering extensive CC from abilities.
  • Inhibitor: A valuable choice that boosts weapon damage while reducing enemy damage output—helpful for controlling powerful enemy carries.
  • Echo Shard: Grants two dashes, with cooldown reduction benefiting mobility and burst damage. Most opponents aren’t prepared for this maneuver.
  • Knockdown: Useful against heroes utilizing high-CC ultimates. This item’s active provides significant crowd control to counter threats effectively.
  • Ethereal Shift: A lifesaver against burst damage; it provides additional survivability and time to endure cooldowns, particularly if you’re not building tankiness.
  • Slowing Hex: A more affordable alternative to Knockdown, it’s effective for keeping early-game opponents from escaping.

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