In the immersive world of Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade, players encounter a turn-based RPG that demands significant time investment for progression. This is primarily due to the intricate battle system coupled with the need for grinding to level up. Players often find themselves engaged in missions, only to hit a wall where they must revisit earlier levels to build strength. However, there is a helpful feature that allows you to enable auto-battling, simplifying the gameplay experience. If you have arrived here seeking to activate this feature, read on to learn how to unlock auto-battles and utilize the sweep system effectively.
Unlocking Auto Battles in Jujutsu Kaisen’s Phantom Parade
To activate the auto battle feature, players need to progress to the fifth episode of the first chapter in the main storyline. This typically requires around 15 minutes of gameplay, although it can be expedited by bypassing dialogues and cutscenes. Upon completing episode 5, the “Auto”button will appear in the upper-right corner of the screen, glowing yellow. Simply tap it to activate auto-battling—ensure it remains highlighted and not grayed out.
After enabling auto-battle, it remains active for all subsequent missions automatically, unless manually turned off. This functionality allows your characters to engage in combat using their most effective abilities, targeting weaker opponents and unleashing ultimates as they become available.
Utilizing the Sweep Feature in Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade
In addition to auto-battling, players can also utilize the sweep feature, which allows for completing missions in an instant. To unlock this functionality, you must meet three specific clearance conditions for a mission. These conditions essentially require you to complete the mission without losing any characters. If you lose even one character, you will only receive two conditions or stars.
Once you achieve a three-star rating, the sweep option will become available for that mission, as depicted in the provided image. You can determine how many runs you wish to automatically complete by adjusting the quantity with the “+”button. As long as you have sufficient Action Points (AP), there is no cap on the number of sweeps you can perform, enabling you to enhance your progression efficiently.
For more tips & images, visit Prima Games.
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