Viral Hit Episode 11: Trading one villain for another

Episode 11 of Viral Hit brings a myriad of surprises to Hobin’s life and the growth of the show. The episode was initially released in Japan on June 20, 2024, and was later available on Crunchyroll worldwide on June 19. It showcases the long-awaited showdown between Hobin and The Comedy Crew, the beginning of the battle against the formidable Mangi Hwang, and the unexpected reappearance of another antagonist.

The events in the episode demonstrate that Hobin has exceeded everyone’s expectations and is not the only one fighting against others, as Munseong Kim also displays his powers. Despite facing a difficult opponent in Mangi, Hobin receives unexpected assistance twice during the events of Viral Hit episode 11.

Viral Hit Episode 11: The Crew, the Behemoth, and the Help

Battle of the Viral Hits and the Comedy Crew

Viral Hit episode 11: Victory against the Comedy Crew (Image via Okuruto Noboru)
Viral Hit episode 11: Victory against the Comedy Crew (Image via Okuruto Noboru)

In episode 10, viewers may remember that Hobin’s failed attempt at intimidation was due to his insole coming off. As a result, he had to face The Comedy Crew alone, without Samdak’s assistance. In episode 11 of Viral Hit, Hobin’s character growth is demonstrated as he relies on his previous techniques to overcome the challenge.

During a conversation with a group of his friends, Kim revealed that Hobin had dedicated an entire month to practicing the calf kick, completing a total of 10,000 repetitions. Kim’s mentor and MMA Triple Champion, Logan Gracie, further elaborated in English that Hobin’s use of the calf kick, combined with his intimidating presence, successfully halted the advance of the Comedy Crew’s underlings.

Furthermore, Gaeul played a role in the success by executing the Baseball Choke on one of the members of the Comedy Crew, as seen in episode 8. While Snapper and Gaeul were satisfied with the outcome, Hobin seemed to relish in the violence. The latest video from Viral Hit garnered an impressive 2.3 million views, helping them gain over 210 thousand subscribers and resulting in the shutdown of The Comedy Crew’s Newtube channel. It was a well-deserved triumph.

The Behemoth: Mangi Hwang

Viral Hit Episode 11: Mangi Hwang - The Best of Mangi Hwang
Viral Hit Episode 11: Mangi Hwang – The Best of Mangi Hwang

Despite the already daunting challenges faced by Viral Hit, Bomi’s stalker from episode 9 resurfaces with a fierce determination. Bomi is relentlessly stalked by Hwang and eventually finds herself backed into a corner. Thankfully, Munseong Kim steps in once again to protect her. However, even with an attempted armbar, Hwang proves to be a formidable opponent, much stronger than Pakgo.

Kim likens Hwang to battling a wild boar, and the formidable wrestler certainly lives up to this comparison. As Hobin charges in, unleashing a frenzy of screams and rage, Hwang effortlessly seizes him by the neck and hoists him up in the air before forcefully slamming him onto the pavement. The impact is so intense that it causes Hobin to lose consciousness. To add insult to injury, Hwang even recorded the whole incident.

After the terrible incident, Hobin is advised by everyone, including Bomi, Snapper, Gaeul, and Samdak, not to engage in a fight with Hwang. They all believe that an amateur stands no chance against a champion grappler.

Despite being advised and assisted in avoiding the conflict, Hobin ultimately chooses to challenge Hwang. This decision puts him at great risk of severe injury or even death, as he has become addicted to the rush of fighting and may also be motivated by a sense of pride.

The Unexpected Help

Viral Hit episode 11: The unexpected help (Image via Okuruto Noboru)
Viral Hit episode 11: The unexpected help (Image via Okuruto Noboru)

The unlikely support that assists Hobin in his preparation for the epic showdown with the colossal behemoth is provided by none other than Taehun, the sadistic individual who had previously tormented him in episodes 6, 7, and 8. Without warning, Taehun ruthlessly kicks Hobin and demands Snapper’s appearance, but Hobin surprises him by revealing that he is facing the challenge alone.

Despite the pain from Taehun’s powerful back kick, Hobin manages to catch his breath and gain Taehun’s favor. He achieves this by praising Taekwondo as the most impressive fighting style he has encountered. This causes Taehun to be surprised and ultimately accept Hobin as his disciple, as evidenced by the widening of his eyes.

The preview for episode 12 firmly suggests that Hobin’s experience may not be as positive as he anticipates. Despite requiring his assistance, Taehun seems intent on making the training as challenging as possible. However, there is a possibility that he is beginning to warm up to Hobin, which may be further examined in the upcoming episode.

Final thoughts

Episode 11 of Viral Hit is packed with multiple storylines, such as the downfall of The Comedy Club, the encounter with Hwang, and the aftermath of that encounter. Additionally, Hobin seeks fighting lessons from Taehun. The fast-paced nature of the episode, with its exclusion of recaps, opening, and closing, makes it fly by in no time.

Unless there is another cliffhanger, it is likely that the first season of Viral Hit will conclude with the anticipated showdown between Hobin and Hwang. This would be a fitting conclusion, highlighting Hobin’s growth since his first battle with Snapper in episode 1. As with everything leading up to this point, facing off against the formidable Mangi Hwang will present its own set of challenges.

Despite his experience as an MMA fighter, Munseong Kim struggles to defeat Hwang, making it even more daunting for amateur fighter Hobin to face him. Hwang’s dominance over multiple opponents, expertise in Ssireum wrestling, and intimidating size compared to Hobin’s past opponents, only adds to the difficulty. For those curious about Hobin’s fate, tune in to episode 12.

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