xQc Criticizes Kyedae for Turning Down Kick Offer

During a livestream, popular streamer xQc ridiculed Kyedae, another content creator, for turning down an offer from Kick. Kyedae’s decision was based on her moral values, which have been put into question as the platform faces criticism.

On June 21, xQc was playing through the DLC for Elden Ring when he directed a sharp comment towards Twitch streamer Kyedae in response to her comments about Kick.

“I was given the chance to renew my contract with Twitch, but I honestly couldn’t bring myself to accept it due to my personal values,”he explained. “Whenever I visit the website, I am plagued with thoughts of the workers in the sweatshops who toil to support my earnings. It’s something I cannot condone.”

After Kyedae confirmed that she had received an offer from Kick to join their platform, his comments were made. However, Kyedae ultimately declined the request, citing moral reasons for not wanting to join Kick’s platform.

Despite the possibility of being taken advantage of because of my cancer, it ultimately doesn’t matter to me. It seems strange to offer me discounted rates simply because of my illness. As far as I know, I was the only one publicly fighting [cancer].

“I’m not particularly concerned about it. It’s not important, since that platform is dying anyway.”

The company Kick has been embroiled in a controversy following allegations made by a former employee. The employee has accused the company of fostering a toxic work environment and various other issues.

One of her allegations stated that the company intentionally offered a lower amount to a “highly esteemed”streamer with cancer in order to have them join their platform, suggesting that the streamer may believe they do not have much time left and want to secure more funds for their family.

Netizens immediately linked this statement to Kyedae, a well-known Twitch streamer who openly fought against Leukemia in 2023. However, fellow streamer xQc from the platform Kick refuted these allegations, stating that he had personally spoken with Kick’s leadership who confirmed they had never extended an offer to Kyedae.

“According to him, he inquired about any communication between Kyedae and Kick or Stake but found that there was none. He even requested for people to investigate if Kick had ever mentioned anything to Kyedae, but no information was obtained.”

Despite Kyedae debunking xQc’s independent investigation into the matter, he remains steadfast in defending the platform against the allegations. The platform’s response to the controversy states that they are taking the allegations seriously.

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