In the dramatic conclusion of Yellowstone Season 5, viewers witnessed a series of unexpected character fatalities, notably the death of John Dutton, portrayed by Kevin Costner. However, for Denim Richards, the actor playing Colby, the news of his character’s demise came as a shock—he received the scripts only a day prior to filming.
After a lengthy wait, the highly anticipated Part 2 of Yellowstone Season 5 premiered in November, ultimately leading to a riveting finale in December. This landmark season wrapped up several intricate story arcs, including the intense conflict between Beth and Jamie, culminating in a devastating confrontation where Beth took her adoptive brother’s life with Rip’s assistance. Meanwhile, significant changes unfolded at the Dutton Ranch, with Kayce choosing to sell the property to Thomas Rainwater and the Broken Rock Tribe.
Colby Actor Receives Short Notice Regarding Character’s Fate
Discussing his character’s fate with Entertainment Weekly, Richards revealed, “I found out I think about maybe a day before they sent me the scripts.” He explained further: “I was actually flying back from Texas when I received the call that this was what was going to be happening. This had to have been back in May.” Despite the late notice, Richards expressed no bitterness toward the show’s creators.
“So much of our lives have been connected to this incredible series for such a long time,” he shared. “But ultimately, this job boils down to serving the narrative and portraying an authentic experience. It’s about setting aside pride and ego to truly serve the story,” he added, reflecting on his time as Colby over the past five seasons.
Colby met his end in Season 5, Episode 12, tragically falling victim to a bucking horse while attempting to save Carter—a scene that Richards believes captures the harsh realities of cowboy life.
He elaborated: “This season, Taylor [Sheridan] is really highlighting the truths of being a cowboy. There’s an adage that everyone will fall off a horse at some point; it’s inevitable. What’s crucial is how hard you hit the ground and the aftermath.” He suggested that Colby’s demise had an element of poetic justice, noting, “In Season 3, Colby was trampled by a horse multiple times in the river. Perhaps this was a karmic return from those horses’ ancestors. Regardless, it was the cleanest exit for a character.”
The filming of Colby’s death scene stretched over several weeks due to weather-related delays, a process Richards described as “a little bit challenging.” Nonetheless, he expressed satisfaction with how the story concluded, affirming, “To live the cowboy life, you definitely need a resilient spirit.”
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