Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Complete Faron Temple Guide and Walkthrough

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Complete Faron Temple Guide and Walkthrough

The adventure in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom continues even after restoring Hyrule Castle, with an additional three temples to conquer. Below is the comprehensive Faron Temple walkthrough for Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Faron Temple Walkthrough

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - Faron Temple
Screenshot by Prima Games

Begin by hitting the checkpoint at the entrance, then exit to the Still World, as progressing past the gate is impossible. Proceed to the right and cut the grass to expose a ladder. Collect the treasure chest containing 50 Rupees in the 2D room before heading to the left ladder.

In this area, there are three green crystals that you can activate using Spark or Buzz Blob Echoes. Illuminate all three crystals before they turn off to unlock the doors. Enter through the northwest door to find a treasure chest that holds the Dungeon Map, then activate the button and move left into the main room. Step on the button by the stairs to open the gate back to the entrance.

Climbing the ladder leads to a room filled with enemies and a treasure chest containing 10 Warm Peppers, but it brings you back to the temple entrance. Opt for the upper west door at the entrance, dodge the blue laser enemies, and enter the south doorway back into the Still World.

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - Faron Temple
Screenshot by Prima Games

Head to the right and bind the second statue to uncover an entrance. Utilize the Electric Keese Echo to target the green crystals and activate them, which will spawn a treasure chest containing a Small Key. Return to the main room, take the southwest door, and cut the grass to reveal another doorway.

Activate the checkpoint in the center of the room and ascend through the northwest ladder, igniting torches on your way for visibility. Deploy two Boulder Echoes onto the eastern platform, causing the western platform to rise and hit the blue switch to unlock the gates. Collect the chest to obtain a second Small Key, then return to the entrance and go through the locked door to face the Manhandla miniboss.

This miniboss features two heads, so attack from a distance using Echoes, then rush in with Swordfighter Form when the heads are stunned. You can also bind the heads to reveal vulnerable pink weak points for attack. The miniboss will retreat after several hits, allowing you to return to the dark room with the checkpoint and enter the southeast locked door for a treasure chest containing one Golden Egg.

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - Faron Temple
Screenshot by Prima Games

Proceed to the south of the dark room into a new area featuring two buttons on the ground. One of the Armos statues will advance towards a button; thus, press the other one simultaneously to unlock both doors, then head through the east door. Activate the checkpoint, then jump into the water to exit the temple.

Within the Still World, launch an Ignizol Echo at the cobwebs on the wall to uncover a door. This room contains two plates to activate, so summon two Armos Echoes to step on the plates together to unlock the door. Defeat the Electric Wizzrobe to advance.

Light all the torches in the dark room to make it fully visible, then descend the ladder to enter the 2D water room. Swim through this area to collect a treasure chest containing 50 Rupees, move the Armos out of your path, and then take the middle ladder.

Illuminate all torches in the dark room to brighten it completely, then quickly activate the three green crystals with Spark or Buzz Blob Echoes to access both doors. Take the west door to reach a room with two rising platforms and two buttons.

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - Faron Temple
Screenshot by Prima Games

Clear the rocks from each platform to ensure they remain steady, then summon two Armos to simultaneously step on both buttons to unlock both doors. Enter the left room to obtain a treasure chest with a Small Key, and then proceed north.

Activate the checkpoint, then warp back to the checkpoint two rooms to the right and take the northern ladder. Place boulders on the weighted platforms, using Water Blocks to access the locked door and the ladder. Hit the checkpoint and proceed to the next room to confront the four-headed Manhandla miniboss.

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - Faron Temple
Screenshot by Prima Games

Follow the same strategy as before, using binding techniques on each head and targeting the pink weak points, keeping in mind that there will be more heads to contend with this time. Move strategically from end to end to avoid being overwhelmed. Defeating the Manhandla will reward you with a treasure chest containing the Big Key.

Warp back to the boss room to take on the giant spider Gohma and complete the temple. Vanquishing Gohma will grant you a full Heart Container and Farore’s Sanction. After this victory, players can explore the other two dungeons, Eldin Temple and Lanayru Temple, or proceed to the final areas of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.


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