A Palworld player successfully advances in the game without capturing any Pals

One player surprised others by progressing through the game without capturing a single Pal. Here’s how he achieved this feat.

Palworld offers players the freedom to roam, capture Pals, explore dungeons, and many other activities on the mysterious island of Palpagos. Typically, players start the game from scratch, with nothing more than a few common Pals and a small cabin.

After some effort, they can eventually become a powerful character with legendary Pals and several resource farms. At least, that’s how the game generally goes for most players.

However, one player decided to spice up their gameplay by setting themselves the “impossible”challenge of beating the game without capturing a single Pal.

A Palworld player achieves the feat of not capturing a single Pal and advancing in the game

On Reddit, user u/gonnaputmydickinit showed the unlocking of the “Governor of the Hill”achievement in an image, with achievements related to capturing Pals unlockable, suggesting that it is possible to beat the first boss without capturing Pal.

What’s even more surprising is that the player claimed he was playing on high difficulty. This shows his level of involvement in the game.

I finally beat the first boss without ever catching a single Pal. byu/gonnaputmydickinit inPalworld

Many players were fascinated by his dedication. “Go on man!” I really hope you can beat the whole game! (If that’s even possible lol),” one user said.

Some comments have shared tips on how to farm materials without the help of Pals. Others asked how he managed to accomplish this.

“I was able to capture a Peddler who sells the Makeshift Pistol and farm chests in high level areas to buy bullets,” the user wrote.

As can be seen in the comments, the user also explained that their method of grinding relies solely on picking and cooking berries and purchasing new makeshift gear when their durability runs out. This is due to the inability to obtain Ingots used to craft advanced items, which requires having certain Pals.

Female player with a bow in Palworld

Investing points in Attack and Endurance helped him. Additionally, crafting a hang glider to replace the mounts allowed him to navigate across the map.

As for the reason for this challenge, he claimed that he was waiting for his partner to try the game. So his “super nerfed run”doesn’t ruin the “full game experience.”

Finally, a comment asked the player to update their progress in Palworld. He replied, “I’m going to keep trying until I hit an insurmountable wall.” It looks like I have A LOT of grinding to do, but as mentioned, I can farm Ingots by killing Bushi, so that will be a big improvement for the end game.”

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