Baldur’s Gate 3 Player Explains Why Save This “Evil” Character

This Baldur’s Gate 3 character is certainly one of the most divisive characters. Some players say you should save him. The reason, however, may not be what you think.

The Mind Flayers of Baldur’s Gate 3 are seen as “big bad guys”throughout the game. From the start, you and your group want to stop the influence of the illithids in your minds and get rid of the larvae.

For some players, wanting to kill the Mind Flayers and get rid of the larvae is the obvious choice. For others, however, it’s not so simple.

A Baldur’s Gate 3 Player Explains Why You Should Save The Emperor

Using the Baldur’s Gate 3 book “On Psionic Manipulation and Countermeasures”, user u/RedRonnieAT argued why saving The Emperor is the best choice.

“Now, before you throw pitchforks at me, let me be clear – I’m not saying he’s a saint. And I’m not going to say it’s perfect. But, let’s see why you should still save him and work with him,” he said.

The post itself is quite long, but the gist is that The Emperor is simply following the true nature of a Mind Flayer. They are ruthless, honest, and are determined to get what they want at all costs. However, that doesn’t mean what they want is bad. So, they should not be killed for this without prior consideration.

The ultimate reason the poster believes The Emperor should be saved in Baldur’s Gate 3 is because he has your back no matter what.

Why you should not kill this character… byu/RedRonnieAT inBaldursGate3

“Actions define loyalty, and The Emperor’s constant rescues underscore a sense of commitment. His loyalty may not be expressed in conventional terms, but it is etched in the moments he actively keeps you safe. If you kill him despite the good he has done, it’s a shame. And right now, you can’t spare him without either siding with him or neutralizing him,” he explained.

However, despite his thorough argument, there is one detail that other players cannot ignore.

“The deal breaker for me is refusing to give Orphéys a chance. I cannot, in good conscience, execute someone who has been a mute, unwilling prisoner throughout the game,” one fan commented.

The way Baldur’s Gate 3 presents you with a choice is that you can either side with The Emperor or save Orpheys. Players believe that while the OP has some good points, saving Orpheys would ultimately be the best choice in a good game. This is especially true because The Emperor insists that saving Orpheys is the wrong choice.

This is one of the many difficult choices available to you in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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