Baldur’s Gate 3 Player Reveals the Perks of Being a Cat Throughout the Game

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player managed to get through almost the entire game as a cat, and is now sharing his experience.

At this point, everyone knows that Baldur’s Gate 3 was one of the runaway successes of 2023. The biggest reason for that? Nearly unlimited flexibility and the willingness to adapt to whatever the player wants to do. But what if they wanted to be a cat for the entire game?

Well, if you’re playing as a Druid, it’s not that impossible. With Wild Forms available, Druids can spend a lot of time in the form of animals, ranging from a mighty owlbear to a simple cat.

One particularly curious player decided to push this mechanic to its limits, spending the entire game as Wild Shapes, with varying degrees of success.

A Baldur’s Gate 3 Druid player demonstrates the power of the Wild Shapes

On the Baldur’s Gate subreddit, player u/ProxyGateTactician said: “I decided to go through Baldur’s Gate 3 using the Druid Cat Forms as a fun challenge. I really liked it, and found that Larian had some unique cutscenes planned for the wild forms, but for the most part the cutscenes didn’t work.

The player discovered that cats only take 1 point of damage when falling, no matter how high, probably because cats always land on their feet. There is also some unique dialogue with Kagha’s serpent as you rescue Arabella.

Interesting Info from a Cat Form Only Playthrough I did byu/ProxyGateTactician inBaldursGate3

Perhaps more interestingly, there is a way to kill Raphael at the start of Act 1. The player noted: “In the mountain pass, you can kill Raphael for the 1400 XP while in wild form because he is not able to start a conversation with you as an animal. This takes time, but it’s a huge bonus for this level. He also never appeared in his usual locations while I was walking around as a cat.”

The player even shared the link to a video to discover his feline adventure in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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