The best Barbarian builds in Diablo 4 Season 3: Skills, Aspects…

The Barbarian class returns to Diablo 4, ready to wreak havoc in the fray. Find out which builds to use on your Barbarian.

The Barbarian is the true juggernaut of Diablo 4. He uses his immense strength and mastery of melee weapons to defeat hordes of enemies and take damage without batting an eyelid. If you like melee and brutality, take out your loincloth and let out your best howl before discovering the best Barbarian builds.

Having made their original debut in the original Diablo’s Hellfire expansion, Barbarians have been in every Diablo game since, and there are several ways to build them.

Without further ado, find out which builds are the most effective during the leveling phase, but also for the end game.


The Barbarian class of Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment

The best Barbarian builds in Diablo 4 | Season 3

The best Barbarian builds | Endgame

Build Barbare Coup Double

The Double Strike Barbarian is undoubtedly the king of crowd control. Even more impressive, this ability to permanently stun monsters in no way means that the Double Strike Barbarian lags behind when it comes to damage.

Indeed, Double Shot has the ability to regenerate your resources when it hits a stunned enemy, to the point that you can spam it infinitely on targets that are victims of control.

With a kit and Aspects focusing on stun, this build deals colossal damage without ever giving opponents the opportunity to retaliate.

Build Barbarian Hammer of the Ancients

Hammer of the Ancients (HotA) is one of the most enjoyable skills in Diablo 4. Its incredible damage in a small area allows you to easily exceed the million damage mark in endgame.

The concept of this build is simple: use the Aspect of Ancestral Force to expand the area of ​​effect of the Hammer of the Ancients, and atomize anything that moves and dares to stand in our way.

The rest of the spell kit is made up of mobility and survival skills, to allow our Barbarian to roam as he pleases on the battlefield.

Build Barbarian Uprising

Uprising is a skill that is as fun as it is devastating. With a suitable build, particularly focused on critical hits and overwhelm, Uprising can inflict colossal damage in large areas. To top it all off, an Uprising build is particularly tanky, and suitable for the majority of Diablo 4’s endgame content.

Barbarian in Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment

The best Barbarian builds | Leveling

Build Barbarian Tear – Season 3

Tear is a basic Barbarian skill, allowing you to deal area damage and make enemies hit bleed. This skill is at the heart of the Rip Barbarian gameplay, which is quite possibly the best version of this class when leveling.

Indeed, Rip inflicts serious damage and is capable of generating a lot of fury, immediately solving the resource generation problem that all other Barbarian builds encounter at the start of the game.

Ripping Barbarian Skills
Level Skill
2 Slot
3 Reinforced Slot
4 Tear
5 Reinforced Tear
6 Furious Tearing
7 Warrior Slot
8 Rallying cry
9 Rallying cry Strengthened
10 Tactical rallying cry
11 Tear
12 Tear
13 War cry
14 War cry Strengthened
15 Energetic Battle Cry
16 Tear
17 Tear
18 Knee breaker
19 Coup de grace
20 Finishing move Strengthened
21 Duelist Finishing Move
22 Coup de grace
23 Coup de grace
24 Coup de grace
25 Call of the Elders
26 Call of the Primordial Elders
27 Call of the Supreme Elders
28 Coup de grace
29 Thunderous voice
30 Thunderous voice
31 Thunderous voice
32 Pit fight
33 Pit fight
34 Pit fight
35 Unbridled rage
36 Rallying cry
37 Rallying cry
38 Rallying cry
39 Rallying cry
40 Assault Command
41 Assault Command
42 Assault Command
43 Guttural howl
44 Guttural howl
45 Guttural howl
46 Measured fury
47 Invigorating Fury
48 Invigorating Fury
49 Invigorating Fury
Renown 1 To the bone
Renown 2 To the bone
Renown 3 To the bone
Renown 4 Aggressive resistance
Renown 5 Prolific Fury
Renown 6 Prolific Fury
Renown 7 Prolific Fury
Renown 8 Pressure point
Renown 9 Pressure point
Renown 10 Pressure point
Weapon Expertise

For this build, we advise you to opt for the Two-Handed Sword. The latter adds bleeding damage to all your direct damage.

Thanks to the Knee Breaker passive, this bleeding also inflicts a slowdown which will allow you to benefit from stats such as damage against targets suffering a loss of control, or even damage against slowed targets.

Aspects of the Rip Barbarian

One of the strengths of Barbarian Rip is that no Aspect is mandatory to obtain satisfactory results. Simply with the right skills, your Barbarian will be ready for battle.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Aspects are useless! Indeed, a handful of them can significantly increase your efficiency.

Here are the most important aspects:

  • Aspect of Expectation: When attacking opponents with a basic skill, the damage of your next main skill is increased by X%, up to a maximum of X%. – Deep roots – Scosglen
  • Tightrope Aspect: Skills deal up to – Peyrevieille – Scosglen
  • Anemia Aspect: Fluke: Dealing direct damage to a bleeding target has up to an X% chance of stunning them for X seconds. – Kor Dragan Barracks – Broken Peaks.
Vampiric powers

Vampiric Powers are the new mechanic for Season 2 of Diablo 4. It is possible to equip up to 5 of them, to benefit from powerful offensive and defensive effects. Here are the most effective Vampiric Powers for the Rip Barbarian build:

  • Fluid Blood: You deal X% additional damage over time to opponents who are moving or affected by a vampiric curse
  • Cursed Touch: Luck: You have up to an X% chance of casting a vampire curse on your opponents. Targets hit have a 15% chance of spreading the curse to nearby opponents. Hoarded Souls from the Vampiric Curse deal X% more damage
  • Anticipation: Your ultimate skills get 20% cooldown reduction. Your ultimate skills deal X% more damage for each nearby opponent taking one of your damage over time effects
  • Resilience: You gain 1% damage reduction for every 2% of health points missing
  • Attack of the Weak: You deal X% additional damage to vulnerable targets. opponents under the effect of a vampire curse from other vampire powers are vulnerable

Barbarian Gameplay in Diablo 4

The Barbarian has a huge strong point: his unrivaled melee power. Of all the character classes, the Barbarian is the most suited to dealing melee damage, and he has plenty of tools to wreak carnage.

The class has been criticized for being less powerful than previous Barbarians, such as in D2, D3 and Diablo Immortal, but these criticisms are based solely on sentiment following the Beta phases. It’s also difficult to compare them to other classes on this front, as the Barbarian is the only melee-only class.

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