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Black Ops 6 Server Improvements Leave Players Doubting Effectiveness

Black Ops 6 Server Improvements Leave Players Doubting Effectiveness

Despite assurances from the developers regarding server enhancements, players of Black Ops 6 remain skeptical. Ongoing issues with server disconnections and rubber-banding have prompted players to voice their frustrations, leading the Warzone and Black Ops 6 team to release a Community Update on January 17, aimed at addressing these problems.

In their update, the team highlighted that the server infrastructure for Call of Duty received “new improvements” and asserted that they were already witnessing “improvements in stability on the backend.” However, as gameplay videos and player feedback show, it appears that server stability is still elusive for many.

Concerns About Server Stability Persist Among Players

One player highlighted the frustrations by sharing a clip that showcased severe lag during a multiplayer match, prompting a flood of responses from others who echoed similar experiences on both console and PC. A particularly frustrated player remarked, “I was in a match and started experiencing rubber banding, even when my packet loss was zero and my ping looked just fine.”

“With these new improvements now in place we’ve already seen improvements in stability”. Yeah you’re dam right. STOP LYING by u/_Skaikru_ in blackops6

As players continue to share clips and comments on the Black Ops 6 subreddit, many are expressing that the persistent lag is rendering the game “borderline unplayable.” Another player lamented, “Every couple of steps causes lag, and I skip movements. It’s a constant issue throughout the whole match, despite the stunning core gameplay.”

Yet another player described the lag as “unbearable,” querying if others were facing similar issues in every multiplayer session. While many are calling for Activision to take accountability for the unresolved server problems, others speculate that the influx of weekend players might be exacerbating the situation.

One Reddit user outlined, “This happens every single weekend. The most reliable time to play is on weekdays between 10 AM and 1 PM; otherwise, you’ll struggle with terrible lag.”

Activision’s Call of Duty teams continue to keep an eye on these issues, and players might see additional adjustments implemented in the near future.

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