Boruto Fandom Receives New Crown for Latest Claim on Main Character

A graph outlining the areas an anime protagonist must excel in to distinguish themselves from other characters was recently created by a fan of Boruto. Despite claiming that Boruto possesses a well-rounded balance of all these traits, the graph has received predominantly negative feedback from the anime community, sparking heated debates between different fandoms and Boruto enthusiasts.

Despite receiving some positive attention due to the Two Blue Vortex timeskip, it is undeniable that Boruto’s overall perception remains inconsistent. Fans of other series have voiced their opinions that Boruto’s sudden rise as the dominant character is unjustifiable on multiple levels.

Please note: This article contains spoilers for the series.

A Controversial Claim in the Anime Community: Is Boruto Really the Perfect Protagonist?

Despite the recent claim that the protagonist of Masashi Kishimoto’s sequel to his widely acclaimed series Naruto is flawless, it has sparked a heated debate on the internet. According to X user @gggavrillo, Naruto’s son possesses a unique blend of relatability, aura, heroism, and pure spirit, qualities that are often seen in the protagonists of other popular anime series.

It should be acknowledged that perfection is a subjective concept, influenced by individual preferences and viewpoints. Additionally, it requires thorough examination and each person may have a unique interpretation, making the statement about Boruto’s perfection exaggerated, particularly since the manga has not yet reached its conclusion.

Currently, there is a divide among fans of other series regarding this sequel. Some believe it is unnecessary and does not add anything to the original series. Others argue that it fails to live up to the legacy of Naruto, and this is why other fandoms do not agree with the statement made by X user, which has also been echoed by fans of the titular series.

Fandoms Respond to Boruto Fans’ Claim

Despite the cultural status achieved by some, like Goku of Dragon Ball, it is undeniable that a perfect shonen protagonist does not exist. Due to a wide range of opinions, it is always challenging to find a protagonist that can satisfy everyone in every aspect.

Despite the timeskip positively impacting Boruto’s popularity and endearing him to audiences, it may be premature for Boruto fans to make exaggerated statements. It is important to consider that other protagonists have had more screen time and exposure in their respective manga, making it too early to assess Boruto’s legacy and compare him to them.

“Tbh only ichigo fits in all 4,”an X user said.

“This might just be one of the worst charts I’ve seen,”another user tweeted.

“Hold on a sec you put Eren and Naruto in aura,”another person pointed out.

The protagonist got a lot more attention after the Two Blue Vortex timeskip (Image via Shueisha).
The protagonist got a lot more attention after the Two Blue Vortex timeskip (Image via Shueisha).

As previously mentioned, the concept of perfection is highly subjective, and each fan holds a unique and valid opinion. This is evident in the varied reactions of fans from different series, such as those who do not find Guts relatable or those who classify Goku as a hero.

“How is guts relatable,”someone said.

“goku is literally the face of aura,”another person said.

“Goku in heroism… That says it all,”an X user tweeted.

There will always be an ongoing debate about each anime protagonist on the graph, as everyone will have their own opinions. However, this is one of the aspects that makes the medium so appealing, and these discussions should not discourage people from watching these shows.

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