Can Deadpool Defeat Wolverine? A Recap of Their Previous Battles Before Deadpool 3

The long-awaited collision between the MCU and Fox X-Men universes will finally occur this summer in Deadpool & Wolverine. This highly anticipated event will provide fans with the answer to the question of whether or not Deadpool can defeat Wolverine.

Following a hint of Patrick Stewart’s appearance as a multiversal Professor X in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the upcoming Marvel film will officially introduce the X-Men into the MCU. As expected in the world of superhero movies and comic book storylines, the movie begins with an intense confrontation between Deadpool and Wolverine as they exchange punches.

Despite the common belief that most comic book team-ups begin with a heated battle, Wolverine and Deadpool have actually engaged in numerous clashes throughout the years. Despite their similar healing abilities, their win/loss record remains evenly matched, showcasing their evenly-matched skills.

Despite being a highly favored and potentially overpowered mutant, Wolverine remains immensely popular among fans who are eager to witness his triumph. With this in mind, has Deadpool ever successfully defeated him?

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Indeed, Deadpool has emerged victorious against Wolverine in the past and is capable of doing so again.

Despite popular belief, Deadpool and Wolverine have not fought as frequently in the comics as one may assume. Although Wolverine has come out victorious on some occasions, Deadpool has also had his fair share of wins in their clashes.

Despite attempts by various stories to explain it away, such as attributing it to Wolverine’s healing factor not functioning or Deadpool being controlled by outside influences, epic Deadpool comics like Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe still show Deadpool emerging victorious over Wolverine in a straightforward manner.

Will there be a fight scene in Deadpool 3?

It is certain that Deadpool and Wolverine will engage in a fight in Deadpool 3.

In the first full trailer for the film, we witnessed the brawl between the two characters. Despite Deadpool’s multiple stabbings and being thrown around like a ragdoll, it is uncertain if there will be a clear victor or if external factors will prevent us from determining who truly comes out on top.

In addition, there is a special Easter egg hidden within their fight that brings to mind the choreography of Peter Parker and Flash Thompson’s epic battle in 2002’s Spider-Man.

How frequently have Deadpool and Wolverine engaged in combat before?

Deadpool vs Wolverine
Marvel Comics

In the comics, Deadpool and Wolverine have encountered each other several times and their interactions often result in either fierce battles or rare team-ups.

These are a few examples of the instances in which they have fought:

  • Wolverine #88 sees the two cross paths for the very first time, as Wolverine finds himself at the house of Deadpool’s ex at the same time Wade is dropping by for a visit. The ensuing fight sees Deadpool actually get close to a win, as Wolverine was still recovering after Magneto ripped the adamantium off his bones
  • In Deadpool #27, a depressed Deadpool is told he needs to fight a superhero to get out of his funk. He chooses Wolverine, naturally, and the two have the brawl to end all brawls
  • Wolverine #154 sees Deadpool hired to capture Logan. When Wolverine attempts to have a heart-to-heart with him, Deadpool fills him with enough tranquilizer to knock out a T-Rex
  • During the arc The Deep End in Wolverine: Origins #21-25, Deadpool is hired to kill Wolverine. The two battle off-and-on throughout the arc, but in the end, it’s revealed that Logan himself had hired Deadpool through The Winter Soldier as part of a plot to draw out Wolverine’s son, Daken
  • As the name suggests, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe has Deadpool killing every Marvel character. Using a sword that neutralizes his healing factor, Deadpool beheads Wolverine, negating him as a threat
  • Cable and Deadpool had several issues in which Deadpool teamed up with other heroes following Cable’s death. Issues 43-44 saw him and Wolverine in a Hydra base, where a berserk Wolverine cut off Deadpool’s head, though Deadpool (obviously) doesn’t die from this
  • The two had an animated brawl in the direct-to-video Hulk Vs. Wolverine film
  • It is also worth mentioning the brawl they shared in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where Wolverine decapitated Weapon XI. Not quite the start Deadpool would’ve hoped for when he joined the X-Men timeline

As Deadpool and Wolverine prepare to face off on the big screen, viewers will finally discover the MCU’s chosen winner when Deadpool & Wolverine premieres on July 26.

Now that you are aware of the outcome of a battle between Deadpool and Wolverine, you may be interested in finding more superhero-related material. You can stay updated on the latest news about Spider-Man 4, get all the details on the upcoming The Fantastic Four film, and stay informed about any updates regarding Avengers 5.

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