Discord’s Mobile Layout Update and Performance Improvements

After facing months of criticism for their previous major change, Discord has now launched a new mobile layout update.

In December 2023, Discord introduced a completely revamped layout for its mobile app, leading to an onslaught of complaints from its users.

Discord users were dissatisfied with the change in layout, which included relocating the messages tab to the bottom for the first time, introducing new navigation gestures, and adding search options. As a result, many users chose to cancel their Nitro subscriptions.

Despite ongoing complaints about the layout in recent months, Discord announced on May 22, 2024 that they have made changes to the mobile app in response to user feedback.

According to a blog post, one of the key updates to the mobile app is the relocation of messages to the top left corner, above the server list.

“As time went on, we consistently received feedback that switching between mobile and desktop was mentally challenging. Keeping Servers and DMs separate on mobile resulted in people and places that were important to users being located in different places than they were on desktop,”the explanation stated.

discord mobile message layout

Upon the first release of the updated layout, Discord made a slight change to the default dark theme, making it slightly darker. However, after receiving feedback that some users were struggling with the new color, they have since added a saturation slider to the mobile app.

Additionally, the app’s overall performance, which has been a source of complaints since its launch, is also being enhanced. The company remains committed to taking into account users’ feedback and intends to introduce the highly requested “Swipe to View Member list”feature in the near future.

The March 5, 2024, app update briefly mentioned it in the patch notes, but it was quickly removed and not mentioned again until now.

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