Upcoming Release: Apple’s Foldable MacBook with Crease-Free Display Set for 2026 Launch

According to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple is showing a strong commitment to creating foldable devices, with plans to release a foldable MacBook in 2026 featuring a near crease-free display.

According to Kuo, a renowned source for Apple-related leaks, the company’s plan is to start mass producing the panel and assembly for the foldable MacBook in the fourth quarter of 2025 and the first half of 2026. This suggests that the highly anticipated foldable MacBook will probably be launched in 2026.

According to Kuo’s Medium blog post, LG is set to commence the production of display panels for a Macbook featuring a foldable screen with either a 20.2-inch or an 18.8-inch size. In Kuo’s words, “The main distinction between the two sizes lies in their folded form, which corresponds to the design of 14-15 inch and 13-14 inch laptops, respectively.”

According to display industry expert Ross Young, the device is expected to have a smaller 18.76-inch display instead of the originally planned 20.25-inch display due to cost considerations.

According to Kuo, Apple’s goal is to ensure that the foldable screen is as crease-free as possible, which will necessitate the use of expensive components. He also speculates that the foldable MacBook may have a similar price point to Apple’s Vision Pro headset, which has a starting price of $3,499. To put this into perspective, the current starting price for the 16-inch MacBook Pro is $2,499.

Kuo predicts that the M5 chip, which has not yet been introduced, will be used to power the MacBook. Currently, the M4 is Apple’s most recent silicon and is responsible for running the iPad Pro 7th generation.

It’s not the first instance of rumors regarding a foldable MacBook reaching our ears. According to Haitong International Securities analyst Jeff Pu, the foldable MacBook is expected to begin mass production in 2025, with a release planned for early 2025 or 2026.

Kuo himself stated in March 2024 that “Apple has a definite plan to release a foldable product, with the 20.3-inch MacBook expected to begin mass production in 2027.”

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