GTA 5 fan-made Switch port runs just as badly as expected

If you were hoping for GTA 5 to run smoothly on the Nintendo Switch, we suggest adjusting your expectations, as the fan-made port is pushing the limits of what the console can handle.

It was once believed that a version of Grand Theft Auto 5 for the Nintendo Switch was in development, however, it has been confirmed that this was never a possibility. The reasons behind this decision remain unknown, but it is intriguing to imagine how the game would have appeared on the Switch. Fortunately, imaginative modders have satisfied our curiosity by creating their own versions.

In December 2023, reports surfaced that the source code for Grand Theft Auto 5 had been leaked, along with information about the upcoming GTA 6 and Bully 2. Along with this, the status of the highly anticipated GTA 5 Switch port was also revealed. Despite this, determined fans were able to successfully force the game onto the Switch on their own.

The video showcases the Switch in handheld mode playing a modified version of GTA 5 from the eighth generation (PS4/Xbox One). Despite attempts to prolong the gameplay before crashing, the result is evident with frame rate issues and subpar graphics.

As expected, the Nintendo Switch is not capable of handling the initial mission in the story mode of GTA 5, which requires a robbery in North Yankton. It is also not equipped to handle the vast open world of Los Santos, which includes a city, mountains, and desert. However, it is still a significant improvement compared to the mocked Switch version of GTA 6.

Naturally, this is simply a fan-created modification for the Switch in order to test its compatibility on the device without any optimization. It is logical to assume that an official version would run significantly smoother, potentially without compromising on graphics for improved performance.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the lack of a Switch port, it remains unclear whether it was due to technical limitations or concerns about GTA’s controversial content. However, with the release of the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition on the Nintendo Switch in 2022, it seems that Nintendo has since changed their stance.

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