Helldivers 2 players take action against excessive collaborations

Helldivers 2 players are pleading with Arrowhead not to follow the same path as other popular live-service games.

Helldivers 2 had an explosive launch and continues to expand thanks to its unexpected popularity. Its principle of large-scale cooperation has captivated players to the point where losing Priority Orders devastates them.

The game even has its own God in the form of its Game Master Joel (yes, he’s the one who adds Terminid nests and decides the intensity of the enemies!). Helldivers 2 players actually began to worship him with a sort of religious fervor. Don’t ask for more.

As the game continues to enjoy enormous mainstream popularity, some Helldivers 2 players have begun to worry that it may fall into some familiar live-service traps (games in which you have to pay to get more content, like Fortnite, CoD, etc…)

Helldivers 2 players are worried about the game offering a live service

Reddit user u/DDeShaneW took to Reddit begging the developers not to turn the game into “Helldivers: Ultra Simulator with Skins Collab.”

Since its launch, fans of Helldivers 2 have frequently pointed out its resemblance to the Halo franchise. A particularly explicit Twitch drop in reference to the franchise saw players asking for collabs.

Many players are against this for fear that the game will become unrecognizable. Referencing games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Rainbow Six Siege, u/DDeShaneW and others implored Arrowhead to “Let Helldivers just be Helldivers.”

Can we keep “Helldivers” as just “Helldivers” and not “Helldivers: ultra collab skin simulator”? byu/DDeShaneW inHelldivers

Many Helldivers 2 players seem to agree. “Personally, I don’t want it,” one Helldiver conceded.

“I wouldn’t mind having armor loosely inspired by other IPs, but I don’t want direct collaborations. “, suggested a player. “We already have armors inspired by Mass Effect, Halo and Star Wars and they look fantastic. If they stick to ‘inspired’ and not ‘collab’ material, then I’m all for it. “, conceded another.

Given the success that Helldivers 2 has had and the potential costs of maintaining larger servers and satisfying players with new content, one might think that the Arrowhead team could consider collaborations.

However, it is also possible that this concern from Helldivers 2 fans could impact any potential decision in this regard. All Helldivers will have to do is wait and cross their fingers.

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