HYBE Faces Heat as Min Hee Jin Calls Out ‘Black Propaganda’ to Destroy Her Credibility

After holding a press conference to address the increasing tensions between ADOR and entertainment giant HYBE, CEO Min Hee Jin has come forward with additional accusations in an exclusive interview.

Jin claims that HYBE is deliberately engaging in a calculated “media play war”against her in an attempt to discredit her reputation and authority.

Unveiling the Black Propaganda Scheme

During the interview, Jin discussed the strategies that she believes HYBE is using, describing them as “black propaganda”with the intent to control public opinion.

She argues that HYBE’s depiction of her in their narrative paints her as a person solely motivated by money, highlighting her flaws and manipulating preexisting prejudices against her.

Despite being characterized in a negative light, Jin fiercely stood up for herself, expressing her frustration at being portrayed as egotistical instead of confident.

The cruelty of the narrative being fabricated against her and its effect on her company’s reputation were heavily emphasized by her.


Accusations of Intent to Destroy

Jin also claimed that HYBE’s intentions were to damage her reputation by publicly exposing internal disputes.

Min Hee Jin
Min Hee Jin (Photo: v.daum.net)

A Plea for Resolution

Jin concluded with a plea, urging HYBE to put an end to their media manipulation and instead pursue a private resolution to the conflict.

She described the ongoing dispute as trivial and urged both sides to put an end to the public spectacle before any further harm occurs.

Jin’s claims call into question the moral standards of media manipulation in the entertainment world and highlight the importance of transparency and ethical conflict resolution methods.

As the confrontation between ADOR and HYBE persists, the public eagerly anticipates HYBE’s response, hoping for resolution in this intensifying conflict.

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