Park Myung-soo has birthday cafe support! The support gifts are super rich, and the “Spirit Mingsu” is absolutely indispensable for using photos!

(Cover image source: YouTube @MBCentertainment screenshot, Twitter @G_park_HBD)

Park Myung-soo, a comedian and host, will celebrate his 53rd birthday tomorrow (27th). Some fans organized a birthday cafe for him to support him. The support gifts made people laugh out loud.

Park Myung-soo’s birthday cafe support, in addition to the special design of coffee paper cups, there are also posters, stickers, key rings, small cards, paper cameras and Polaroids, the most conspicuous is the use of Park Myung-soo’s classic “Infinite Challenge””Elf Ming Soo”style it! The lily flower headdress of “Spirit Mingzhu”was also prepared for photos at the scene, and the news article of the Twitter support account attracted nearly 6,000 people to forward it!

(Source: Twitter @G_park_HBD)
(Source: Twitter @G_park_HBD)

▼Review “Spirit Mingsu”

Retweeted on Twitter or in ‎theqoo netizen discussion strings ‎, everyone commented “Dizzy, I really want to go”, “Let’s go, it feels very interesting”, “I really want to go but it feels awkward to be alone”, “Mingfulo Dettif is really beautiful”, “I’m crazy and I want to go there”, “The king of photo retouching”, and some netizens felt it was a pity and shouted: “How can there be no young Mingsu and groom Mingsu?”

▼Young Myung Soo

▼Groom Myung Soo

The support time is today and tomorrow, and the Twitter account that held the support shared many photos of fans participating, and the participation was quite enthusiastic! If you happen to be nearby, why not take a look! (Coffee shop information is provided at the end of the article)

【Travel Information】
Shop name: Cafe Moon&Door (Cafe Moon & Door, Twitter@Moon_ and_ door)
Support time: August 26th and August 27th 11:30~22:00
Address: 127, Cheonho-daero, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul Street 42 -2 1st Floor (1st floor, 42-2 Cheonho-daero 127-gil, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul)

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