“Water Bomb Goddess” Quan Enfei is back! Showcase of the first single “The Flash” Showcase beautiful legs and perfect dance curves

(Cover image source: Screenshot of YouTube@1theK, TVDaily)

Concubine Quan Eun recently received heated discussions for participating in the “WATERBOMB SEOUL 2023″wet body show and her good figure. Her popularity soared again and she was dubbed the “Water Bomb Goddess”. Today (2) she will return with the single “The Flash”The Showcase (press conference) was held, and the MV was released earlier.

Although she didn’t show off her breasts like in the MV, Concubine Kwon Eun-bi still showed off her beautiful legs and danced wonderfully at the press conference, causing Korean reporters to write titles such as “The body curve fascinated by water bombs”, “Perfect dance lines”, “Hot body curve”… Let’s take a look at Quan Enfei’s live Showcase photos and videos below!

Quan Enfei (Source: TVDaily)
Quan Enfei (Source: TVDaily)
Quan Enfei (Source: TVDaily)
Quan Enfei (Source: TVDaily)
Quan Enfei (Source: TVDaily)
Quan Enfei (Source: TVDaily)
Quan Enfei (Source: TVDaily)
Quan Enfei (Source: TVDaily)

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