iPad Mini 7 Rumored for 2026 Launch with OLED Upgrade

According to a report from Korea, Apple may be preparing to release a new iPad Mini with an OLED display, but its launch may be delayed beyond initial expectations.

It has been nearly three years since the initial release of the iPad Mini 6, but Apple has not yet unveiled an updated version. The previous iPad Mini, which came with Apple’s A15 chip, was announced in 2021. According to a report from Naver, it is possible that the next iPad Mini will not be released until 2026.

During its Let Loose event on May 7, Apple revealed its latest iPad models, including the highly anticipated OLED iPad Pro and the new iPad Air 6. However, the company made no mention of the iPad Mini. According to a report from Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman released last week, Apple has no plans to release the new iPad Mini until late 2024.

Apple iPad Mini 6 in all color options

According to Naver, the upcoming iPad Mini will feature an OLED display similar to the iPad Pro. Samsung has already begun producing prototypes for this tablet.

According to the report, Samsung Display started working on 8-inch panel samples for the iPad mini in April 2024. Recently, a few domestic partners who are collaborating with Samsung Display on advanced development have also started addressing this matter.

Previously, Apple utilized LCD screens for its iPads, but this year they have made the switch to using OLED screens. However, only the Pro versions, available in both 11-inch and 12.9-inch sizes, have been equipped with the new OLED screens. The remaining models, including the Air, Regular, and Mini, still feature LCD screens.

The iPad Pro was not equipped with standard OLED panels by the company; rather, they opted for tandem OLED technology, a method that involves placing two OLED panels on top of each other to improve brightness.

Despite Apple not making any official announcements regarding the iPad Mini, The Elec reported in February of this year that a foldable device with an 8-inch display will replace the iPad Mini.

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